Updating Ansible AWX

Posted by Brad on Wed 10 January 2018

The lab has been undergoing some major transitions lately, namely moving from ovirt to vmware and finally implementing the ASA 5520 to provide a firewall to the lab infrastructure. I hope to have some articles based on these changes but I also don't want to regurgitate documentation that's readily available. So I'm not going to tell you how to set up AWX (Ansible Tower). I'm just going to tell you how to update it.

Updating AWX

The Ansible and Tower documentation really is some of the best documentation I've seen in a while. But I couldn't find a step-by-step guide to updating it when using plain docker. There were some things that vaguely mentioned just deleting and pulling in new docker images. But since I'm new to docker it took me a bit to put the pieces together on how to actually do that. The AWX containers are basically stateless so as long as you keep the container providing the database around your jobs and other stuff should persist.

  • Locate the docker container images: docker images -a
  • attempt to delete the awx_task and awx_web images which will complain that they're in use by containers
  • remove the containers: docker rm <really long alphanumeric> where the is the id of the container from the previous command
  • remove the images docker rmi docker.io/ansible/awx_task
  • reinstall ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

And that's all there is to it. Stay tuned for more AWX and lab fun.

tags: ansible