Brad's Lab Blog

My home lab adventures and general ranting

Lab Git with Gitlab

I've been experimenting with git servers for a while now. Publicly I've been using gitea because it's simple and lightweight. In the lab...

Another Lab Power Cycle

This is going to be a bit of a double post since I didn't publish the first part when I wrote it. When I go on vacation I like to power...

Blogging for a Year

Well, a couple weeks ago I realized the blog had been going for a solid year (in pelican form at least). It's been an interesting...

PowerCLI... on Linux?

I spend a lot of time in the vcenter gui, and it got me thinking that there might be a more efficient way. I'm also always paranoid I'll...

Dynamic DNS in the Lab

I've gone through a number of provisioning methods in the lab. Foreman/Katello is nice but a bit overkill for my needs. I also tried...

One Command Blog Posting

My blog has a problem. I have a handful of articles in progress, but I haven't posted anything since January. Part of this has been life...

A New (Bullet?) Journal

I've kept a journal for a while, but its always been a classic freeform stream of consciousness one. Then I discovered bullet journals...

Migrating from Mediawiki to Bookstack

I generally like mediawiki, but I also like simple. So when I found BookStack and the fact that it supported markdown I jumped on it....

Updating Ansible AWX

The lab has been undergoing some major transitions lately, namely moving from ovirt to vmware and finally implementing the ASA 5520 to...

My work VM: Fedora 27 FTW!

I'm generally not a fan of "X things to do after installing linux" articles but I still end up reading them and sometimes even implement...

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