Brad's Lab Blog

My home lab adventures and general ranting

Terraforming the Lab

Well, I finally got around to making my lab terraform more useful and decided it was probably time to make it available to the world...

Back to the Lab

I was burned out. Not just from work but from the lab as well. I nearly tore down the whole lab because it just wasn't getting used. I...

A Brave New Lab

It's time to change up the lab once again. For the past couple years I had this focus on what I guess would be "old school" sysadmin and...

Mounting ISOs without Root

Mounting ISOs is a fairly common task and it's always kind of annoyed me that it requires sudo or root. Of course most file managers...

Goodbye PXE

Every once in a while I come across a tool or technology that is not just "neat" but really cool. Ansible and Python are the most...

Lab Git with Gitlab

I've been experimenting with git servers for a while now. Publicly I've been using gitea because it's simple and lightweight. In the lab...

Another Lab Power Cycle

This is going to be a bit of a double post since I didn't publish the first part when I wrote it. When I go on vacation I like to power...

Blogging for a Year

Well, a couple weeks ago I realized the blog had been going for a solid year (in pelican form at least). It's been an interesting...

PowerCLI... on Linux?

I spend a lot of time in the vcenter gui, and it got me thinking that there might be a more efficient way. I'm also always paranoid I'll...

Dynamic DNS in the Lab

I've gone through a number of provisioning methods in the lab. Foreman/Katello is nice but a bit overkill for my needs. I also tried...

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