My blog has a problem. I have a handful of articles in progress, but I haven't posted anything since January. Part of this has been life...
I've kept a journal for a while, but its always been a classic freeform stream of consciousness one. Then I discovered bullet journals...
I generally like mediawiki, but I also like simple. So when I found BookStack and the fact that it supported markdown I jumped on it....
The lab has been undergoing some major transitions lately, namely moving from ovirt to vmware and finally implementing the ASA 5520 to...
I'm generally not a fan of "X things to do after installing linux" articles but I still end up reading them and sometimes even implement...
I started to dive into docker and was going to write a post about that but I got a little off track along the way and found molecule...
Here is the current state of my lab as of October 2017. I still have a lot of plans for it, but this should provide a decent glimpse. I...
I have hopefully dialed in my lab network fairly well with this iteration. That's not to say I don't see it changing, but hopefully any...
Like a terrible horror movie the lab has had its fair share of bad ideas and failed plot twists. I finally got tired of attempting to...
Well, ghost was a nice idea but just didn't work out. So here we are trying things with Pelican. I realize everyone and their mom have...